




Below is a collection of presentation slides from all of our workshops!

Take Your Micro Business to Events – Micro Business Series #2

Scale your part-time business at pop-up events and festivals. Learn about comparator research, pricing, forecasting, and legal requirements.

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Start Your Micro Business (Part-Time) – Micro Business Series #1

Learn about the stages of entrepreneurship, evaluating business ideas, crafting a brand story, and understanding legal & financial aspects!

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How to Present and Pitch

If you want to know more about creating an effective pitch and go from presentation to standing ovation, this workshop is for you!

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Getting Started with Lean Launchpad for Your Social Change Mission (Changepreneur Series #6)

Learn how to become an impact maker by creating a social venture that reflects your calling!

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Hack Your Focus

Learn the strategies from mindfulness, neuroscience, and behavioral psychology for improved productivity and well-being!

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Transcending Trauma into Transformation

Learn how to unhinge yourself from your emotions and triggers so that you can dedicate yourself to being an advocate of change!

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Digital Marketing Masterclass

Learn the key components of digital marketing and how to create a winning marketing strategy and plan!

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Marketing Masterclass for Creative Professionals (Artpreneur Series #5)

Learn how to market your business in a cost-effective way that achieves real results!

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Build Your Business Team and Culture for Growth & Success

Special session on the occasion of Career Week, in collaboration with Career Services. Learn how to build a positive and productive culture can help businesses reach their goals become successful!

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Understanding Net Zero and the Circular Economy (Sustainability Series #3)

Learn how the economy and environmental sustainability can co-exist and net zero and circular economy efforts being realized!

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From Idea to Building Your Startup (Artpreneur Series #2)

Learn how to turn ideas into actionable steps that lead to success in launching your own business!

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Marketing Masterclass for Scientists and Engineers (Techpreneur Series #2)

Learn how to market your business in a cost-effective way that achieves real results!

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Managing People (Small Business / Solopreneur Series #4)

Learn the theories and best practices for recruiting, attracting and managing people!

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Financial Analysis and Management (Small Business / Solopreneur Series #3)

Learn basic financial concepts as well as analysis and management tools

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Build Your Leadership Potential (Leadership Series #1)

Learn to unlock your potential to be a change-leader in your business, personal life and society!

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Stakeholder Engagement and Individual Action for Sustainability (Sustainability Series #2)

Learn about specific actions that individuals and different stakeholder groups can do to mobilize sustainability!

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Small Business Marketing and Growth (Small Business / Solopreneur Series #2)

Explore avenues of growth for small businesses and learn basic concepts of marketing and growth!

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Introduction to the SDGs: Creating a better world with the SDGs (Sustainability Series #1)

Learn about the 17 United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) as overarching objectives for the world!

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Embracing Entrepreneurship as a Mindset (Artpreneur Series #1)

Discover the transformational potential in embracing entrepreneurship as a mindset in your life, business, and career!

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Hack Your Focus

Learn the strategies from mindfulness, neuroscience, and behavioral psychology for improved productivity and well-being!

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Harness Your Passion and Skills for Impact (Start Your Impact Journey #1)

Tap into your skills, competencies, and abilities to achieve results!

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How to Build an Entrepreneurial Mindset (Solopreneur Series / Rapid Start Entrepreneurship Basics #1)

Develop and apply an entrepreneurial mindset for personal and business success!

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Social Enterprise and Your Startup Journey (Changepreneur Series #1)

Get started with your social venture; learn about different types of social enterprises and how to work with SDGs!

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Navigating Your Journey From Career to Calling (Changepreneur Series #2)

Learn how to become familiar with the causes that are important to you and turn your passions into missions!

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Empower Yourself with Unstoppable Values (Start Your Impact Journey #2)

Uncover your motivation, discover your authenticity & connect to the impact you want to contribute to the world!

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Demistifying Business Planning (Solopreneur Series / Rapid Start Entrepreneurship Basics #2)

Learn key components of a meaningful business plan, and essential knowledge & skills to grow and succeed!

View Slides     “The Weekly 3” eBook Download Business Plan Workbook

How to Start Freelancing

Learn to find clients, build your client list, find your niche and tools for marketing!

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Personal Branding for Scientists & Engineers (Techpreneur Series #1)

Transform complex subject matter into compelling messaging to grab the audience’s attention & persuade them to buy!

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Understanding Child Labour in the Global Economy

Learn about the right to good working conditions, the root causes of child exploitation and child labour.

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Know Your Market – Market Research
(Solopreneur Series / Rapid Start Entrepreneurship Basics #3)

Learn to do a proper market analysis and prevent costly expenses!

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Fully Leverage Your Personality & Strengths
(Start Your Impact Journey #3)

Use your personality and identity to make change with grace and flow!

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How to Hu$tle – Startup Toolkit

Find out about cost-effective tools for sales and marketing, business processes and procedures, and payment solutions!

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Bring Out Your Best – The Strong Entrepreneur

Discover your greatest strengths to handle stress and work-life challenges!

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Art of Sales and Marketing
(Solopreneur Series #4)

Learn to execute a marketing campaign, position as a “thought leader”, and approach each step from the customer attraction to the sale!

View Slides     “The Weekly 3” eBook     Marketing Calendar     Media List

Being the Chief Vision Officer for Your Impact (Changepreneur Series #4)

Learn how to apply the principles of achievement to your life leading to a positive future!

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What it really Takes to Build a Startup & Be an Entrepreneur

Learn tools and get practical advice about what it takes to make your dream of becoming an entrepreneur come true!

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Marketing Masterclass for Scientists and Engineers

Learn how to market your business in a cost-effective way that achieves real results!

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Leading Your Community with Effective Storytelling (Changepreneur Series #5)

Learn how to harness the power of your heart to trigger and inspire action bring change and success!

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Navigating Burnout: The Mental & Emotional Demands of the Hustle Culture

Is burnout preventable in a Hustle Culture? If you’re struggling with stress, learn how to quickly turn it around!

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Mastering Basics in Operations & Financials (Solopreneur Series / Rapid Start Entrepreneurship Basics #5)

Understand the accounting and financial basics, and how to be more economical and strategic in your business!

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From Idea to Building Your Startup)

Learn how to turn ideas into actionable steps that lead to success in launching your own business!

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Getting Ready for Funding

Join the workshop to learn how to raise capital for your social enterprise!

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Marketing Masterclass for Creative Professionals

Learn how to market your business in a cost-effective way that achieves real results!

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Foodpreneur Series W23 (Start Your Food Business)

Start your food business with confidence. Learn the steps to launch into the marketplace and identify recipes for great retail products!

Part 1 Slides     Part 2 Slides

Building your Digital Marketing Plan: Aligning your Product, Brand & Voice

Build a strategic marketing plan and campaign that convey the power of your brand and is consistent across all digital platforms!

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How to Move Your Business Online

Learn how to pivot to an online operation in a pandemic and succeed!

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Find Your Secret Sauce
(Foodpreneur Series #1)

Learn how to find the potential in a recipe and identify what recipes might translate into a great retail product!

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21 Days to Launch

Discover the tools and tips for launching a product or service!

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From Recipe to Retail
(Foodpreneur Series #2)

Turn a Recipe into a Product and learn how the process is different for production!

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Retail and Beyond
(Foodpreneur Series #3)

Find a market for your food product and learn about the many ways you can sell it!

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Building your Digital Marketing Plan: Aligning your Product, Brand & Voice

Build a strategic marketing plan and campaign that convey the power of your brand and is consistent across all digital platforms!

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How to Handle Objections with Confidence and Ease

Learn how to stay emotionless and ahead of any objection, from anyone, any time!

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How to Present with Confidence

Discover the blueprint to connect with the audience and make a great impression!

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How to Break Through to Success in your Career and Business

Learn how to break through to the level of success you desire!

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Be a Change Leader! Learn from real-life experience

Learn the process of change-making from real life experience setting up a community education centre in Ghana, West Africa!

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Legal Risks for Start-ups

Learn the essential legal considerations for start-ups!

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How to Write a Successful Grant

Learn tips and tricks from a successful grant writer that will increase your grant writing success!

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Goals Setting and Strategy

Learn how to use goal-setting principles to move your business towards its vision!

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Put Your Business in a Power Position

Learn to take your business from a place of “invisible” in the marketplace to a position of “power” where you dominate your market!

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Finding Your Mindful Way: Developing Trust

Learn a practical path to developing trust in oneself and others through basic principles of mindful, emotional well-being!

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ESG for SMEs

BLearn and explore the ESG (environmental, social & governance) journey of a small-medium enterprise!

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